Friday, March 15, 2013

Leaving the Driver's seat forever

Sadly, what we think is the most stable thing in life, turns out to be the wobbliest and the game changer.
Some things that you take it for granted to be the same forever, or you see in no way it will be out of your life. Like our jobs, our closest friends, our countries, our beliefs, our love, and even our preferences and myths.

And the things/ people/ situations that were alien to you once are your life now. “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”, said Mark Twain.

“Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans”.

So much control we have exercised all through our lives, influenced others, compelled others, played games, painted irrelevant pictures... still things didn't change as wanted them to. And see ultimately in spite of that , it has left us here.

The greatest lesson (or decision) under the recent turbulence in my life that I have taken is- ‘Not to control life’. Yes, and be guided by it, wherever it takes you. Probably that’s the best thing you can do to yourself- allow the wind to carry yourself and see where it leaves you.

Of course, uncertainties make you miserable, but I am also getting excited to see where life will take me, place me, and bring who in my life; take away what, and I ll learn which lessons and develop which philosophies and hunt for which cravings.

Long terms plans that I knit for centuries crumbled before my eyes in minutes. I was sure that this practice of ‘planning’ life is going to be a ‘man-hours-wasted’ exercise.

So, here I am..
With my arms wide open..
With my heart full of acceptance..
With my destiny devoid of shadows..
With my mind cleansed of yesterday’s ideas..
With emptied pockets and non-judgmental slate..
With estranged inhibitions and unfettered connections..
Come and sweep me over with you and show me a new me..

I think I have never been any better before. I recently lost a big baggage at Mumbai. It contained all my apprehensions, connections, folklore and traditional boundaries.

Someone very aptly conveyed-
“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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