Thursday, May 29, 2014

Probably I need to fly again…

Probably I need to fly again…
Beyond the crippling fear of heights

Probably I need to fly again…
Ignoring the pain of corroded-unused wings

Probably I need to fly again…
Crossing over the confined panorama

I will fly…. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

पुराने फर्श की टाइलें

सुबह घर से निकलते वक़्त 
उसके फ्लैट के सामने से गुज़रते हुए 
उसे रोज़ देखती हूँ ..

खिड़की की लोहे की ग्रिल के पीछेः 
और उनमें से झाँकती वो बिना दाँत की बुढ़िया..

जब भी देखा है उसे, सिर्फ़ एक कुर्सी पे बैठे...अकेले बड़बड़ाते 
एक सत्तर वाट के पीले बल्ब के नीचे 

क्या बचा था उसके पास अब 

जो कभी कोइ मिलने आता
या कभी कोई पड़ोसन दरवाज़ा खटखटाती

वो उसके घर की फर्श की टूटी टाइलों के साथ जैसे पूरी ज़िंदगी को घिस चुकी थी
उसकी ज़िन्दगी अब मेज़ पर पड़े पुराने फूल-दान और दीवार पे लटकी टूटी पैंटिंग से बहुत अलग नहीं थी

दिन भर खाँसती है
बस एक यही आवाज़ गूँजती है उसके घर में 

कुछ रोज़ पहले सुबह फिर से देखा था उसे, झुके हुए
एक पुराने संदूक को टटोलते
जैसे कुछ मिल जाए उसे तो शायद चीखता सन्नाटा थम जाए

कुछ और गहरे होते नज़र आते हैं निशान
उस फर्श पर...जिनपर उसकी चप्पलें औंधे मुँह पड़ी हैं 
गए सालों की मिट्टी में सनी....

Residual of Life

Your Life is a residual of: 

Reasons to live 
Excuses to die.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

From Hindustan to Chinglishtaan

Did you know India is the second largest English speaking country in the world. English being its official language, majority (barring exceptions) either speaks or ‘shows’ speaking English to look educated.

Our English, thus, gets affected by our mother tongue. So it becomes Hinglish/Bengalish/ Marathish as you first,think in your mother tongue before you speak. And, this, evokes fun. 

When each becomes itch. Where Russia become Rasia (meaning lover in Hindi) and when someone accidentally offers you sh!t instead of a seat and so on..                                                     
OK…coming straight to the point. 46% of Hong Kongers use English as per Wikipedia. Which, prevalently is Chinglish. In the beginning, I had my own struggle translating it in English as I was used to only Indian version of it but the journey soon became super-interesting. Cantonese to English translation becomes funny because it has no singular/ plural.. no tenses and no gender specific pronouns. 

The thought of writing this blog was triggered by the following product that I found at a cosmetic store. I literally rolled on the floor laughing! Was it a product made for plastic surgeons?

In case, you were not happy with yours.

And you know what services they offer?

Whole face and neck removal!!
HKD 500

It's cheap but illegal!!

Perils of colonizing Cantonese

So what will their kids be called?
Any suggestions?


No comments!

Interested in the menu?

Chinese version of Longman English dictionary?

(Expert advise will make you use English easy-ly)

OK... whatever!!

Wrong sign or wrong product?

Thanks for showing our limits

Execution center?



Come again!

Pardon me!
(At the bakery store generally) 

No comments

Oh really!!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Sometimes I just feel hungry
So hungry that I can’t make out
If that’s my hungriness or thirst.

If that’s crave for womanhood or desire for love  
If that’s fear of the dark or dependence on the light
If that’s my silence or am speechless
If that’s love or lust.

If that’s forgetfulness or forgiveness that I seek
If I am walking ahead or running away
If I am looking for an answer or waiting for a question  
If that’s loneliness or fear of falling a prey to addiction.


Is that a question that surfaces an answer
or that an answer covers up so many questions...