Monday, May 18, 2015

Sacrificing- Desire and Fear

Our Desire and our Fear have one thing in common-

Both of them are deeply rooted inside us.

The depth of our unawareness exceeds the recognition of the existence of Truth about us.  With time, it gets superimposed by our assumptions. More so because unawareness is a result of continuous process of inadvertence that remains unacknowledged. 

I realized lately that most of our decisions are driven by them- either by our desire to get or our fear to lose.
Fear holds you back whereas desire pushes you further. The nature of force is similar though. One is a push while the other is a pull. 

Fear exists in two time zones- one in the past and second, in the future. Time, if taken as an equation, fear is an assumption. A fixed assumption that drives the equation asymmetrically. And hence, illustrating the doable scenarios as asymmetrical.

And, Desires are mostly futuristic; driven by aspirations, devoid of greed per se.
Temptation is not a desire. Because temptation is ephemeral, whereas desires last upto life-times, and their fulfillment brings a sense of accomplishment even after the fulfillment is over, unlike temptation which lacks sense of attainment.

Here comes the point-
We are always taught that letting go of our fears makes us stronger. But then what stops us to renounce them.
Because fear, like our desire is a private affair for us. But unlike desire, we never define them. We live with them, acknowledge the power they have over us but hide them under the carpet, like our illegitimate offspring and never really recognize them even as a catalyst.

Whereas we openly recognize our desires, assign them the master-bedrooms in our hearts, and change the bedsheets, spray the room-freshener everyday. 

While we never give a ground for our fear to settle in, we keep giving further skies to our desires to soar higher. Result- we fail to set rules for both.

Fear and desire, both being very private, and such deep-engrained parts of our life are treated so differently.
To experiment this further, I vowed to treat my fears and desires alike.
I have always scored on letting go on my fears part. Hence this time, I thought I'll fry the rice first and then boil it. So I gave up on the deepest desire I had. Not as a sacrifice but as a gift to myself- as one less string to bind me, as one less factor to affect my equation, as one less authority to approach for no-objection certificate, as one less factor on whose success/ failure I'd base my destiny's performance. 

Did it pain? Oh yeah.
But trust me, not more than I anticipated. Or may be it will pain a fracture.
Why do I feel that desires and fears are connected. Letting go of my desire has uprooted those fears that I didn't even know existed. 

P.S. Do I sound like a non-sense?

1 comment:

  1. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
    ~ Bill Cosby

    Most people's lives are run by desire and fear.

    Desire is the need to add something to yourself in order to be yourself more fully. All fear is the fear of losing something and thereby becoming diminished and being less.

    These two movements obscure the fact that Being cannot be given or taken away. Being in its fullness is already within you, Now.
    ~Eckhart Tolle
