Friday, October 31, 2014

Bathroom - the Temple of Human Awakening

Not everything in Bathroom is sh!tty..

I am serious. Seriously.  
It is bathroom where it all starts. Please stop laughing. Am not kidding. 

Ok, what's the similarity between mom's lap and bathroom- you find solace at both the places/ you feel the most comfortable to cry. (And you are not embarrassed to have/ have had sh!t there).

Isn't it the bathroom that has mostly been responsible for all the life changing decisions?  It's here where you always get your doze of determination.

Zero interference. No compulsion. Purely voluntary and absolutely personal!
A place of complete withdrawal from the world and a complete surrender to self.
Is there any other place in the world that can be so customized (imagine not even your girl friend/boss will bug you here if you stay here longer. And look at the availability- home/office/trains and available internationally).

Is there any excuse in the world more convincing for not answering your call than to say that "Sorry, I was in the Bathroom". (Tip- You can even use this excuse every day without sounding absurd. Even Murphy's Law doesn't apply here).

Bathroom - where you get to look into your own eyes and "say" things with such sureness that you have never been before.

I think I owe it to the Bathroom for all the times I realized that it was a high time to make or break  things up in life (Mostly breaking though).

While your hands play with water in the basin, and you gaze at the mirror, You begin the intellectual tête-à-tête with the You inside. And Voila! you hit the bulls eye.  You get replies. You find long lost affirmations and the bridges between your doubts and possibilities.  

An important business meeting or a difficult exam- bathroom is the place for the pre-run.

Moving forward. Public toilets- epitome of human creativity and prose. Remember the school toilets and not to miss the ones at the railway stations and the super graffiti.

When you are caught between the chicken-or-the egg theory, suddenly someone pulls you and hands over a chicken wing and that’s when your Thought flight takes off. (Einstein had an omelet though).

Only if your questions are simple, your answers will surprise you.

P.S. So now you know why Prime Minister Modi wants "Toilets for all". 


  1. In the Bathroom Mirror
    Ralph Burns

    He continues to ponder
    And his wife moves next to him.
    She looks. They look at themselves
    Looking through the fog.
    She has a meeting she says in about
    Thirty minutes, he has
    Something too. But still she has
    Just stepped out of the bath
    And a single drop of water
    Has curved along her breast
    Down her abdomen and vialed in
    Her navel then disappeared
    In crimson. …….

  2. I used to sing in the shower
    Dance like I was in the rain
    Watch all of my worries
    Be washed down the drain

    I’d use all the hot water up
    The mirror covered in steam
    So the bathroom was foggy
    Like on a cloud, in a dream

    I’d wash my body with soap
    That smelled just of a daisy
    So I was clean and sweet
    Then I’d shampoo like crazy

    I used to sing in the shower
    But that was when I had him
    When he left I was drowning
    And he knew I can’t swim

  3. Cogito ergo sum [I am thinking, therefore I exist] .
    - René Descartes.

    Need I say more.....!
