Friday, August 31, 2018

Unfriend yourself

Image result for enemy


You are at a bar, and see this beautiful woman sitting on the opposite table. You love the way she is looking at you. You are about to make the first move and a friend suddenly appears from behind and reminds you that last time you did the same the woman said she had a boyfriend and how humiliated you felt. He asks you to be logical and calculate the probability of such a beautiful woman being single. You remain seated in your seat, finish your drink, watch another man approach her and leave the bar.

You are sitting at your computer contemplating whether you should apply for this awesome job- a job that you’d love. You are about to click ‘submit’ and this friend suddenly appears from behind and reminds you that last time you did the same and the company ignored your email. They didn’t even call you for an interview. If you apply again, it is basically same story. You close the tab. 

You are at a networking event with all the reputed people of your industry. There is a random quiz. The host asks a question about American trade agreements with China. By chance, you just read that news today. You are about to raise your hand and guess who reminds you that last time you did the same, someone else gave a better answer and yours got ignored. Yes, same friend. You remain seated in your seat, check your phone and watch someone else give the same answer and clap.

I am sure by now you know who this friend is.
Yes, it is You.

It is You who judges the present based upon past events. You tells you that past events are a benchmark of how you lead your life. You says that your present lies in what You learnt in past. You tells you to not explore but assess every new opportunity with You’s past experience. You tells you that You knows everything and you should just listen. You asks you not to question and place your unfettered belief in his past.

But you know that the road to the future is not from past, it starts from present. 

Don’t listen to You. 

Unfriend You. 

P.S. Don’t take it personally when people tell you to go and f*ck yourself. 
P.P.S. Know what, actually do it. 


  1. Shying away in hesitation is a self-inflicted humiliation
    Restrain yourself from being gloomy in expectation of unforeseen misery.
    Free yourself from reluctance- unleash your inner strength to defeat your fears;
    Rid yourself of the demurral never hesitate to rely on yourself;
    Liberate yourself from fear: present your resolve in combating any arduous task-
    Keep up the unconquerable will and the courage never to submit or yield!

    Talk to yourself at least once in a day, otherwise you may miss a meeting with an excellent person in this World. - Swami Vivekananda
