Thursday, February 5, 2015

Words Said and Unsaid

There are two aspects of a conversation- what we intend to say and what we actually say. And they are different.
Like irrespective of what you say, for some people your unspoken message remains consistent forever- “Get lost”.

There is one such guy whom I strongly dislike for unobvious reasons. And I just bump into him every single day. If not morning, then evening. And sometimes morning and evening both! Ergh!

And last evening he finally caught me. This is the 1 minute conversation with words spoken in black and words unspoken in red--- 

Guy: Hey Hi!
Me: Hey. How are you (Oh! Sh!t. I didn’t see you coming. I would have run away)

Guy: Long time no see
Me: Yeah I had been busy lately (I had been ignoring you terribly)
Guy: Actually I see you many a times, across the road.
Me: Which road! (You mean inspite of me taking U-turns, and walking on the wrong lane for metres just to avoid seeing still see me?)

Guy: You don't see me. You are always with busy with your Ipod.
Me: Yeah I am (Coz I use my eyes to see.. not ears, Dumb!)

Guy: You have some time now?
Me: Oh am sorry.. I am heading for a meeting (I am heading home. I am gonna get bored watching Obama's speech during his India's visit but not gonna sit with you)
Guy: Let’s grab a drink.
Me: Sorry. I have to rush (Even if I was at Mars dying out thirst, I wouldn’t drink with you)
Guy: Let’s plan it this weekend then.
Me: Sure (I'll keep myself under house-arrest this weekend)
Guy: I shall call you. Are you using the same number?
Me: Yes (I had given you  a locksmith's number)

Guy: Great. See you then. Bu-Bye
Me: Take care (Why doesn't ISIS kidnap people like you)


1 comment:

  1. We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.

    ~ Winston Churchill

    Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

    ~ Benjamin Franklin

    With apologies to T.S. Eliot:

    Between words said and unsaid falls the shadow;
