Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Ghost

Ghost- A derivative of borrowed apprehensions.

A ghost derives its powers from our own impotencies.

You are not sure whether actually ghosts exist or not, but you still get frightened of them.

Till the time, somebody is accompanying you, you smug, having a reason to console yourself. 

Ghost is an uncertainty, a feeling of helplessness, a cry, a strong feeling of needing somebody by your side. 

Yes, that’s what I wanted to say. 

Solitude is like a ghost.

It stays in your own heart. 

It feeds on your conscience in your sub conscious..

Till the time somebody is by my side, life looks as normal as it is.

But, the moment, the heart realizes that the person besides me is about to make a move, the ghost from the corner of the closed walls, suddenly appears from nowhere and starts dancing by your side…

Neither parents/ siblings nor relatives/ friends can provide you company. Yes, you are absolutely alone. Your ego too, leaves your body. 

You lie in your bed, like an injured rat, whose life is as unimportant as its death. 

An acutely severe phenomenon- that tears you from inside and keeps on scratching your wounds. 

There is no escape. You are a well defined prey…meant to suffer. 

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