Monday, December 21, 2015

Please don't take it personal

I had been watching myself. 
Finally today, I stood up and said, "I am ready".
So, I am speaking about it, now. 

Here is what Life has taught me during this 'non-personal' time. 21 days summed up in 7 lessons (and more to come, as usual)- 

Lesson 1- Hope is the most stubborn weed. It is an obstinate child with a non-violent temper. I dare you get rid of it!

Lesson 2- Eventually all pains and happiness will dumped in one box called 'memories'. And the box doesn't have two compartments. You'll mix them both and treat them alike.  

Lesson 3- Solitude is the darkest truth about humans. It is inescapable. 

Lesson 4- Self-love is the crudest form of love. And we confuse it with selfishness. We have to learn to be by our side and stop punishing ourselves, even if we are taking time to forgive ourselves in the beginning. 

Lesson 5- Guilt is glutinous, whereas self-confidence is frictional. 

Lesson 6- The Time is not defined (read confined) by its superlativeness. It is an independent element.

Lesson 7- Each time you'd sit for a 'sagar manthan' session within your mind after an unpleasant incident or a dram-come-true experience, and churn your thoughts or scrape your memories; no matter how much anguish, pain, grudges or repentance oozes out of it, you will see that eventually everything evaporates, leaving you with only and only Love and Kindness (and not to mention the omnipresent Hope).

Lesson 8Exactly how they phrase it at the time of Exit Interviews "Please don't take it personal" while they rephrase it no differently. Likewise, Life this time, said to me with a smile "Excuse me, Ma'am....Please don't take this personal". 


  1. There are times when I am so unlike myself that I might be taken for someone else of an entirely opposite character. ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” Allen Saunders
