Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ask a Question

And each time you ask a question;
It germinates in the Universe, like a Spirit.

It stays connected with you somewhere in the cosmos;
With an unseen umbilical cord.

Incubated inside the shell of your intricacies, it evolves;
And when it has grown enough to get answered, it hatches.

It releases a beam of realisation;
Like a meteor, it disembarks with a shower of enlightenment.


  1. My spirit’s like unabated algae
    Riding on a deluge
    Emerging with flowing streams
    Getting wayward on its way

    I never know why
    It suddenly rise, or falls
    Sometimes sagging, on winds of uncertainty
    No anchor to fetter its freedom

    Sometimes it’s vagrancy
    Induces a strange wanderlust
    Resonating tunes of the road,
    Of getting lost

    It glitters like drops of dew
    Caught in the chalice of my mind
    Asking no question but
    Imbibing every answer.

  2. Hmmm ... definitely philosophical are we not!!

    ॐपूर्णमद: पूर्णमिदंपूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते |
    पूर्णस्यपूर्णमादायपूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||

    [Om PurnamadahPurnamidamPurnatpurnamudachyate.

    “That is whole, this is whole, from whole comes out of whole.
    If Whole is subtracted from whole, still whole is left.”

    i.e. Infinity minus infinity equal to infinity
    What fear have I of the unknown?
    My life will reach fulfillment -
    as the unknown slowly become known to me.
    I know my search for the unknown will never cease,
    Paths uncharted will continue to attract me.
    Even my mother was unfamiliar to me
    Before she took me in her lap.
    Love sways the heart because of its hidden mysteries.
    Exposed to the mysteries of this world,
    Countless tunes play in my heart.
    While I continue to roam, endlessly enamored,
    Bewildered with the enigmatic life.
