Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your body

The smell of your shoulders
The light of your eyes
The tranquility of your presence

Then why do religions say that body is mortal.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Old Woman

The old woman
turns and pauses

She ogles at my pricey booties
Smiles with her toothless jaw
Spits blood on the pavement

She rings the bell before moving back
And gets lost in the smoke containing the broken pieces of the last decades  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Imaginary Roads

When I am wordless
I think of you
You come out in the form of poems

When I am on the verge of losing hope,
I start drawing those imaginary roads
coming from nowhere
leading to you..

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Your Word

I want
your word.

Your word
That doesn't change meaning.

Your word
That promises to uphold its enigma.

Your word
That has left its synonyms behind.

Our Paths

Our paths will cross again
When you pause.
Probably I ran ahead of you
While competing to chase myself.

City of Silence

 I lie dead here
In this city of Silence..

The winds have blown away
All the words I had preserved..

I have crawled up to this street

To hear if someone knows me by my name..

The crying Woman

She stood on the wide balcony, her back perched on the wall. She was crying secretly, while hiding her face.  Lost, she was unaware of the onlookers. She was pretending to look busy looking out from the window, taking out her spectacles and wiping her tears in between. 

My heart really moved to see her. I was so touched to see tears rolling down her chubby cheeks, half covered with dupatta
I don't know if she was sad, repenting or worried and troubled. Her hair were flying in the air each time the breeze changed directions from the window.

Her face was moist, her eyes were red in grief and her eye lashes were laden with little droplets. I wished I could extend my hands, reach out to her hands and comfort her.

And, I...I stood there, like a Eunuch, not been able to do anything for this any way. I wish I could speak to her in her language and could reassure her that she could trust me.

I wish I could wipe her face and ask her to rest on my shoulders and tell her that all will be fine, even when I knew it would bear nothing.

Sometimes, I really wish I could come out of my own body and touch the woman I live in.
Why are souls confined to live inside the bodies forever...